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Who Stocks the Beverage Cooler?

Recently, I went to Nashville to help a close friend, who is managing a convenience store.  The two days I spent there were incredibly revealing. Here are some of my insights: Getting good,

What role does luck play in success?

What role does luck play in success?

Is success a result of luck or do individuals succeed because of their own tenacity and skill? President Obama and Purdue University President gave two very different commencement speeches in the past two

What Makes a Performance Evaluation System Work

What Makes a Performance Evaluation System Work

Senator and Hall-of-Fame athlete Bill Bradley once said: “Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better.” Americans have great, perhaps excessive, faith in performance evaluation systems in achieving this goal. Performance

The 4th Choice for the Job

I was the 4th choice for a job in a "dying" business from which I retired a CEO 30 years later. People tend to look at any successful individual and believe