Mike Critelli

325 posts


In the Sunday, November 2, 2008, New York Times business section was a great column by Robert J. Schiller, a professor of economics and finance at Yale, and a person who understands how

John Wooden’s Lessons and Legacy

I was prepared to post another blog recently, but decided that it was important to post some observations about John Wooden, the great basketball coach of UCLA who died on June 4 at

When Hard-Nosed Purchasing Does Not Work

In the July 6, 2011, issue of [https://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303339904576406163574698214.html] The Wall Street Journal [https://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303339904576406163574698214.html] , Roger Bate has written a column entitled “Beware

Food Policy

As I delve more into the study of health and health care, I find myself learning more about the influence of government food policy on what we eat, and what is causing our