Mike Critelli

325 posts

The Case for Employer Provided Health Benefits

Although the health insurance legislation will not immediately attack employer-provided health benefits, I feel that there are many threats to their continuation. Accordingly, I feel compelled to respond to ill-informed points of view

The Sharing Economy

I was quite irritated by a very critical, negative article in the Sunday, August 9, 2015, issue of The New York Times by Natasha Singer relative to what she said about the “sharing

The Challenges of Being Visionary

I have often been described as a visionary, one who sees things before others do. It’s a very astute characterization. Being visionary does not always mean being correct, although I have been

Pooling Resources

Pooling Resources

In the Sunday, November 23, 2008, New York Times, in the Connecticut and The Region section,  I was struck by the inadvertent juxtaposition of two articles.  The first, in the Town Green column