Mike Critelli

325 posts

Health Care Provider Supply

I am continually frustrated when I read about the laser-like focus elected officials and advocates for health care reform have with respect to universal, affordable insurance, but without a comparable focus on addressing

Excessive Executive Compensation

I can readily understand why people who are not executives of large businesses can be bewildered and outraged by the compensation of some CEOs, especially when it is given in big chunks of

The John F. Kennedy Assassination

I just finished reading a most insightful book called A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination. What made this book stand out from so many other books about

The Benefits of Being Invisible

Every so often, I go back and reread a book I liked a lot. Recently, I re-read a book by Bill Russell, my favorite all-time athlete, entitled Russell Rules. To me, Bill Russell


Recently, I attended a conference of the National Association of Secretaries of State [https://www.nass.org/]. My main interest was in voting processes because Pitney Bowes has a secure, reliable voting-by-mail solution